Наверное, никто уже и не ждал новой версии dproto, но не тут то было, вышла новая версия dproto 0.9.178, так же в данной версии были исправлены баг с флудом на сервера.
Благодарности: Armind for testing, bugreporting; AlexALX for testing; bDy for testing on FreeBSD; Co6aka for tesing; Dark-Master for testing, bugreporting; debugger_perm for original idea and testing; DrilLer for testing, bugreporting; GoD2.0 for redirection fix idea; gromo for testing, bugreporting; ineya for Hybrid serverinfo trick; jamess for "deprecated" id idea; La_Vladimir for testing, bugreporting; Lev (aka Flasher) for help and testing; P4rD0nM3 for testing, bugreporting; Shidla for testing; SISA for hard testing of eST support and deprecated clientids; **$n@!ke** for testing, hlstats fix idea; Valve for good games ;) And all other people whom I forgot
Список изменений: 0.9.178: - fixed "Invalid challenge format" warning when client joins server
0.9.87-0.9.177: - Some bugs fixed (I don't remember what bugs ) - Removed subserver and master-client as they are not needed now - Added challenge checking code to "rules" and "players list" requests handlers